Financial Coaching

At Live Life FI, we provide personalized one-on-one financial coaching that aligns with your unique goals and aspirations. Our comprehensive coaching revolves around core pillars that build the foundation for financial security and financial freedom. Here's what we offer:

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Why Choose Us?

  • Personalized Approach: Every individual's financial journey is unique, and so is our coaching. We offer tailored strategies that align with your financial needs and aspirations.
  • Expert Guidance: Our experienced financial and life coaches provide insights, tools, and techniques based on proven methodologies.
  • Continuous Support: We're with you every step of the way, providing steadfast support, encouragement, and adaptation as your financial situation evolves.

What's Included?

Our Entry Package Offers:

  • One One-On-One Coaching Session per Month
    • Covering all of the Coaching Pillars and Core Patterns listed below along with a personalized strategy just for your vision and goals.
  • One 15 minute touch base call per Month
  • Unlimited Email and Text Support
  • Monthly Newsletters
    • To Inspire and Inform of tips and tricks to stick to the game plan and additional ways to succeed in your goals.

Personalized Packages and Add-Ons are available.


Ready to take control of your financial destiny and live life on your terms? Contact us today for a one-on-one financial and life coaching session that can transform your future.

Coaching Pillars

  • Budgeting and Cash Flow Management

    Your financial journey begins with understanding your income and expenses. Our personalized budgeting and cash flow management coaching will help you take control of your finances, aligning your spending habits with your long-term objectives.

  • Debt Reduction and Management

    Debt can be a hindrance to achieving financial freedom. We'll guide you through practical strategies to reduce and manage your debt, setting the stage for a stable financial future.

  • Investment Education and Planning

    Investing is an essential part of growing your wealth. Whether you're a beginner or seasoned investor, our tailored investment education and pesonalized strategies will empower you to make informed decisions to maximize your return on investment.

  • Retirement Planning

    Assisting clients in understanding various retirement plans, helping them set realistic retirement goals, and creating a comprehensive strategy to achieve a secure and comfortable retirement.

  • Savings and Emergency Funds

    Life's unexpected events can put a strain on your finances. Our coaching on savings and emergency funds ensures that you have a financial safety net when you need it the most.

  • Tax Planning and Strategies

    Don't let taxes take you by surprise. Our tax planning and strategies align with your financial goals, ensuring compliance and optimizing deductions.

  • Financial Goals and Vision Alignment

    We believe that financial success starts with clear goals and vision. Together, we'll craft a financial roadmap that's uniquely yours, turning dreams into actionable steps.

  • Business Growth & Development Coaching

    If you're an entrepreneur or business owner, our specialized coaching in business growth and development will propel your business to new heights. We'll guide you through innovative strategies, problem-solving, and sustainable business practices.

Core Patterns

  • Financial Awareness

    We'll undertake a comprehensive analysis of your current financial situation, including income, expenses, assets, and liabilities.

  • Goal Setting

    Together, we'll articulate clear, achievable financial goals aligning with your vision. These goals provide a roadmap to your desired future.

  • Action Planning

    We'll carve out a tailored, actionable financial plan using your financial understanding and goals. This plan will be your stepping-stone to financial freedom.

  • Goal Actualization

    We'll move from planning to action, turning your financial goals into reality. Every step in this phase will take you closer to your end vision.

  • Mindset

    A growth mindset is integral to financial success. We'll work on cultivating a positive, proactive attitude toward wealth creation and management.

  • Building Better Habits

    Good financial habits are the cornerstone of financial health. We'll focus on instilling habits like regular saving, mindful spending, and consistent investing.

  • Accountability and Regular Review

    Regular check-ins and progress reviews will ensure you stay on track. Adjustments will be made to align with your evolving financial circumstances and goals.

Actual / Forecasted Savings & Invested Value

I've Helped Grow

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Coaching Services


One-on-one Coaching

Personalized financial coaching for a clear path to wealth, aligning dreams with actionable goals.


Entrepreneur & Business Coaching

Tailored strategies to accelerate business growth, unlocking potential and paving the way for success.


Strategic Accountability Coaching

Enhance leadership skills, streamline decision-making, and boost team synergy through targeted management coaching.


Workshops & Seminars

Gain financial insight, master money management, and create personalized financial freedom strategies at our coaching workshop.

If You Have Any Question,
Feel Free to Call 720-519-3506

Let's work together and discuss what your Vision is for your best future. Book online or call for a free consultation to see if we can get there together.

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